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Sunday, September 29, 2013

How to Sign up Google Adsense on Blogger

What's up buddy Blogger ? See ya not long, hopefully still happy blogging wrote. Want it could always shared with all bloggers. This time I try to review about Google Adsense corresponding article of the above title.
Google Adsense, it seems very in dewakan by most bloggers there ( including me ) From the results were pretty good income value per click and so on. But for us in this region (Indonesia) is a little difficult to get in the family of the google adsense, need seduction specialized first in order to be accepted.
Here I try to share a few tips to get in the google adsense on the dashboard of our own bloggers. Just need a little change and multiply the effort, do not forget to also pray may be acceptable.
For the first step, prepare coffee and nuts for snacks while reading ;
( because this article would be very boring for those who do not like the world adsense )
  • Make sure your Google account email and have never been banned by Google for any reason.
  • Note also the traffic and blog content.
Actually google adsense itself also has support for Indonesian language blog, but somehow still difficult to be accepted on the grounds CONTENT . Search has info, it turns out there is a misconception we have, google support Indonesian language blog terms and not in terms of article dashboard / templates blogger us. Before continuing, we should first review the picture below, and equate with the blogger dashboard you have in your possession. ;
How to Sign up Google Adsense on Blogger
Is there a Tab Earnings / Income on dashboard yours?
Otherwise, means staying a little more step to maximize your blog. but if it does not exist, should be held first, so I can sign up for google adsense easily from our blogger dashboard. The way to be able to display the tab earnings / income , see the picture;
How to Sign up Google Adsense on Blogger
The front page of the dashboard .

How to Sign up Google Adsense on Blogger
Front page of part 2, after changing language.

How to Sign up Google Adsense on Blogger
Page settings / settings, select the language performatan.

After all is done by following the steps in the picture above, refresh / reload your page (F5) and see the results, tab earnings already appeared;
How to Sign up Google Adsense on Blogger
Please register from here, ( if you have not ever google adsense list )
On the settings tab / settings, select the language of Britain and underneath there is the option Enable transliteration? let alone in a position disabled .
On the choice of language, select the language English. This is what we often misunderstand why blog in Indonesia is still difficult to enter in the Google AdSense network, instead of the content / article but from the language setting on the dashboard blogger performatan that we manage.
There are a few more extra to make it more acceptable to google adsense;
  • Register your blog on Feedburner .
  • Make it a habit to always open feedburner yours.
  • Prepare also other supporting information, such as;
    • About Us, (blog admin)
    • Contact Us,
    • Privacy Policy,
    • Disclaimer,
    • Etc., which if necessary.
Hopefully helpful,, thank you.

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