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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Inventor of the World's 10 Most Influential in the World Internet

10 Highly Influential Inventors sites in the Internet World 
10 The present inventors inspired by my friend's question about "who is the inventor of facebook, youtube inventor who is, and who the hell inventor pinterest" and many other questions that questioned the inventor or originator of the websites today are very familiar indeed every person like Facebook , Twitter, Youtube, Google sampi with bloggers, and therefore let us consider  10 Influential Inventors sites in the Internet World:
1.  Jonathan Abrams - Friendster
This site is the first social networking site on the internet that has a home base in English-speaking countries, then spread to Asia. Position in the United States and shortly thereafter replaced by MySpace and then Facebook and LinkedIn, but the site still has a mass base in Asia.
Friendster has over 8.2 million registered users and more than 1 million unique visitors each month and has become the largest site of its time that, but since this site to erase all content and game sites, this number dropped to 1.2 million registered users only.
2.Jack Dorsey - Twitter
Now networking Twitter certainly familiar to many people. With the practical advantages in conveying information as less than 140 characters, twitter become one the most popular social networking today. Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey assisted by two of his friends, Biz Stone and Evan Williams. when he was only 24 years old, he wanted to create a social network where he could share the news with his friends quickly. Twitter became more famous with variations ranging from teenage users, artists, writers, to print media and a variety of leading brand products.
3.Mark Elliot Zuckerberg-Facebook 
Who does not know Zuckerberg and his work, Facebook . Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg when he was still a student! Starting from a network project, Mark is assisted by three of his friends managed to create a social network made ​​up of children in the Harvard campus. In a matter of months Facebok spread to other campuses such as MIT, NYU, Boston University, etc. until finally officially launched to the wider society. Only four months after launch facebook profit of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, or USD. 13 Trillion, which makes Mark became the world's youngest billionaires.
4.Paul Sciarra, Ben Silbermann, and Evan Sharp - Pinterest
Formerly, Pinterest was built with the intention of being a means of sharing the image, photo and video in between the 'penghuni'nya. However, the initial vision widens and continues berubah.Pinterest first launched to the public in beta in early March 2010 by Paul Sciarra, Evan Sharp and Ben Silbermann joined in 2011. Now in a relatively short period of Pinterest has reached 12 million users. Pinterest Forbes magazine even noted as one of the fastest development of social media in 2011.
As with other social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., quickly  Pinterest  to the attention of the business, especially online marketers because of the potential traffic possessed. So do not be surprised if now Pinterest is filled by the pictures that are directed to particular commercial website URL.
5.Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim - YouTube
YouTube was founded in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees: Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim . Hurley had studied about them in the form of the University of Pennsylvania Indiana. Meanwhile, both Chen and Karim studied computer science together at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. YouTube is a website video sharing (video sharing) popular where the user can load, watch, and share video clips for free. Generally the videos on YouTube are music clips (video clips), movies, TV, and video that users themselves.
6.David Karp - Tumblr
Users mini-blogging site, is the founder and developer of Tumblr , David Karp. At the age of 19 years, Karp has created a mini-blogging site with a different design and application than the blogger or wordpress. Although already famous and rich through Tumblr, Karp is now busy profession as a photo model a leading brand in Japan.
7.Charles Mullenweg - WordPress
He is the founder and developer of blogging sites Wordpress . The idea to create a wordpress got when he was only 18 years (2002), but only at the age of 19 years Matt and his partner, Mike Little, began to develop wordpress coding. Although in drop out (DO) of college, Matt was able to prove that he could be a young and successful entrepreneur. In early 2009 Matt Mullenweg've been to Indonesia to be chief guest in the event WordCamp Indonesia 2009 - "1st Annual Conference for Indonesian WordPress Enthusiasts".
8.Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan - Blogger
Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan is the two founders of the company Pyra Labs. The first product of the company Pyra Labs named "Pyra". Pyra is a Web application that combines project manager, contact manager, and to-do lists. In 1999, the foundations of Pyra in reporpuse be an in-house tool to " Blogger ". Blogger was officially launched by Pyra Labs on August 23, 1999.
In February 2003, Pyra Labs in acquisitions By Google . In October 2004, Evan Williams as co-founder of Pyra Labs or Pyra Labs' co-founder, left Google. In the same year, 2004, Google bought Picasa. Google bought Picasa to allow users to send photos or images that they have to be kept to their blog.
9.Andrew Dervish - Kaskus
Indonesian Internet users would be familiar with the term "agan", "cendol", "pertamax", or "brick". Yes, the words are often found on site KasKus . Kaskus is short machination (gossiping) is a social media site 'flavor' of Indonesia. Andrew Dervish Kaskus founded in 1999 with a capital of only U.S. $ 3 or IDR. 30 thousand only. Starting from the task given by the teacher to make a program of free software, Kaskus has now developed into the largest website community forum in Indonesia. Besides being hot topics discussion forum, Kaskus is also growing online business stretching in Indonesia where buyers and sellers can find each other and transact transparently.
10.Larry Page and Sergey Brin - Google Inc.
Google Inc.. constitute a public company United States, specializing in Internet search and online advertising. The company is based in Mountain View, California, and has employees amounted to 19 604 people (June 30, 2008) Google's philosophy includes slogans like "Do not be evil", and "Work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun", describing a relaxed corporate culture .
Google . was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company is a privately held company on September 4 , 1998. Initial public offering on August 19 , 2004, raising $ 1.67 billion, making it worth $ 23 billion. Through various types of new product development, takeovers and partners, the company has expanded its initial search and advertising business into other areas, including web-based email, online mapping, office productivity, and video sharing.
This is the 10 inventors who have a major impact site on the internet, as a result of his users better we know who the inventor of the sites that have a major impact on the internet. hopefully this article useful.

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